Internationale Daniel Chalonge
10th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2006
Observatoire de Paris, Paris campus
Thursday 26 October, Friday 27 October and
Saturday 28 October 2006
The Colloquium is within the astrofundamental physics spirit of the Chalonge School, this time focalized on CMB WMAP and the theory (models) of the early universe with power of prediction. There will be talks by WMAP team members on their results plus a number of selected talks on the Early Universe and Inflation in connection with the CMB, Primordial Magnetic Fields and Large Scale Structure.
In summary, the aim of the meeting is to put together real cosmological data and hard theory predictive approach connected to them.
Topics: WMAP results, Inflation, effective theory of inflation and quantum effects, quadrupole suppression and low multipoles, initial conditions of inflation, primordial spectrum of density and tensor perturbations, CMB polarization, primordial magnetic fields effects on CMB, large scale structure, neutrinos in cosmology.
The Meeting is open to all scientists interested in the subject. Registration information is given below.
The format of the Meeting is intended to allow easy and fruitful mutual contact and communication.
Sessions last for three days in the beautiful parisian campus of Observatoire de Paris (built on orders from Colbert and to plans by Claude Perrault from 1667 to 1672). All sessions take place at the "Salle du Conseil" (Council Room) in the historic Perrault building ("Bâtiment Perrault") of Observatoire de Paris HQ, under the portraits of Laplace, Le Verrier, Lalande, Arago, Delambre and Louis XIV.
ABAZAJIAN (Univ. of Maryland, USA)
Physics in Cosmology and Dark Matter
BECK (Max Planck Institute/SKA, Bonn, GERMANY)
Magnetism Revealed with the Square Kilometre Array
BOYANOVSKY (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA)
field theory of Inflation and its Initial Conditions
J. DE VEGA (LPTHE, Univ de Paris VI, France)
models at the GUT scale confronted to the WMAP
S. FRENK (Institute for Computational Cosmology,Durham, UK)
The Large
Scale Structure of the Universe
Magnetic Fields and CMB anisotropies
HANNESTAD (Univ. of Aarhus, Denmmark)
N. LASENBY (Cavendish Laboratory,Cambridge, UK)
Observations. Anisotropies and Polarization
NOLTA (CITA Toronto Univ/WMAP,Canada)
results from the WMAP experiment
PUGET (IAS-Orsay and CNRS, France) & Jan TAUBER (ESA/PLANCK,Noordwijk The Netherlands)
The PLANCK mission and its scientific objectives
REBOLO (Instituto Astrofisico de Canarias, Spain)
experiments other than WMAP. The Tenerife experiment
SADOULET (Univ. of California, Berkley, USA)
and Future Dark Matter Searches
G. SANCHEZ (Univ & Observatorio de Cordoba, Argentina)
parameters from CMB and the final 2dFGRS power spectrum
G. SANCHEZ (LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, France)
Fast Roll Inflation: the CMB quadrupole suppression
SMOOT (LBL, Univ. of California, Berkley, USA)
Observations. Anisotropies and Polarization
SPERGEL (Univ. of Princeton/WMAP, USA)
Three Year Results: Implications for Cosmology
And other Lecturers : Richard EASTHER, Richard HOLMAN, Pavel
tour of Perrault building guided by Suzanne DEBARBAT
(SYRTE-Observatoire de Paris) will take place around the subject:
“The Instrumental Patrimony of Observatoire de Paris”
(Laplace, Roemer, Arago, Foucault,...)
Local and practical information can be found below.
The Meeting is open to all scientists interested in the subject. There is no registration fees. Participants wishing to attend the Meeting should register in time, and in any case BEFORE 1st OCTOBER 2006 , by sending an email to and to the Colloquium Secretariat: and specifying their full names, position, Institution and address.
Hotel reservations for the invited Lecturers and accompanying persons will be provided by the Colloquium organizers.
Colloquium Secretariat:
Welcome of the participants and Registration starts Thursday 26 OCTOBER at 8:00 am at the “Grand Galerie” (Great Gallery) of historic Perrault Building ("Bâtiment Perrault")
Lectures start on THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER at 9:00 am at “Salle du Conseil” (Council Room) aside Grand Galerie in Perrault building . Tickets for lunch will be on sale at the registration desk from Thursday morning.
We shall stick strictly to the timetible during the whole meeting.
All sessions take place at the "Salle du Conseil" (Council Room), aside the Great Gallery (“Grand Galerie”) in the historic Perrault building ("Bâtiment Perrault"),
All COFFEE-TEA-MATE-CHAMPAGNE BREAKS take place aside the Council room in the Perrault building.
LUNCH is served at the Self-service Restaurant of Observatoire de Paris (located very near, inside the campus at Building B, ground floor)
A TOUR of Perrault building for all participants and accompanying persons will take place on SATURDAY 28 OCTOBER in the afternoon from 18:00 to 19:00, guided by Prof Suzanne DEBARBAT around the subject: “Physics in the History of Observatoire de Paris” (Laplace, Roemer, Arago, Foucault,...)
A COCKTAIL for all participants and accompanying persons will be offered on SATURDAY 28 OCTOBER in the afternoon (from 19:00) in Cassini Hall (“Salle Cassini”) of Perrault building.
Please Notice: The Colloquium ends after the COCKTAIL.
The entrance of the Observatoire de Paris is at 77, Avenue Denfert-Rochereau, Paris 75014.
[Notice that this differs from the postal address: 61, Avenue de l'Observatoire, Paris 75014, although they are nearby].
The nearest metro station is Denfert-Rochereau (100 m. approx). The RER station Port Royal is about the same distance. You can also reach the Observatoire with the buses 38, 91, 83 and Orlybus.
From the entry at 77, Avenue Denfert-Rochereau, once inside Observatoire, the "Salle de l'Atelier" is just located at the right, and in front of the new building B (''Bâtiment B"), where the Observatoire self-service restaurant is located.
From the entry at 77, Avenue Denfert-Rochereau, once inside Observatoire, to reach Bâtiment Perrault enter the campus following the straigth road going to the old Coudé building and coupoles (the way one sees new " Bâtiment B ", and old " Ateliers des Artistes ") and continue the road (on the left) till the open central path from which (bordered by the trees), the monumental front south main entry of Perrault building is seen.
The " Salle du Conseil " is just at the left of the front south entry. " Grande Galerie " is aside facing Salle du Conseil.(is easy to find, and indications are placed.)
Lunch will be served at the Observatoire Self-Service Restaurant. It is located in the ground floor of building B ("Bâtiment B"). Tickets for lunch will be on sale at the Conference registration desk from Thursday morning.
The Observatoire Self-Service Restaurant is closed for dinner and on Sundays.
Some Restaurants near Observatoire are listed below.
Longitude: 2°20' East
Latitude: 48°50' North
Entry: 77, Avenue Denfert-Rochereau, 75014 Paris
Subway Station : Denfert-Rochereau or Port Royal
Bus 38, 83 or 91 , stop at Observatoire Port-Royal
From Roissy (Charles de Gaulle) airport: Taxi or
Take the RER B (fast subburban train) up to Denfert-Rochereau
From Orly airport: Taxi or
Two solutions: 1.cheaper (Bus) or 2. faster and secure (Orly Val)
1. Take the OrlyBus up to Denfert-Rochereau or
2. Take the OrlyVal up to Antony then take RER B direction Paris up to Denfert-Rochereau
Hotel du Midi, 4, Av. René Coty, Paris 75014. Metro : Denfert-Rochereau
tel. 33(0).14327-2325. fax 33(0).14321-2458.
Double room, with shower, WC and TV. Double room with bathtube, WC and TV.
air conditioning, modem in bedrooms.
Hotel Beauvoir, 43, Av. George Bernanos, Paris 75005,
tel. 33(0).14325-5710, fax-33(0).14354-3187.
Single room. Double room. Twin double rooms. With shower, WC and TV (in
double rooms).
Hotel Pierre Nicole, 39, rue Pierre-Nicole, Paris 75005,
Tel.33 (0).1 4354-7686, fax 33(0).14354-2245.
Single room. Double room. With shower, WC and TV in all rooms.
Hotel L'Aiglon, 232 bd Raspail, Paris 75014,
Tel.33 (0).1 14320-8242, fax 33(0).14320-9872.
air conditioning, TV and modem in bedrooms.
Hotel Nouvel orléans, 25 av. Gén. Leclerc, Paris 75014
Tel.33 (0). 14327-8020, fax 33(0).14335-3657.
air conditioning, TV and modem in bedrooms. Non-smoking bedrooms.
Mercure Raspail Montparnasse, 207 bd Raspail, Paris 75014
Tel.33 (0). 14320-6294, fax 33(0).14327-3969.
air conditioning, TV and modem in bedrooms. Non-smoking bedrooms.
Istria, 29 rue Campagne Première, Paris 75014
Tel.33 (0). 14320-9182, fax 33(0).14322-4845.
TV and modem in bedrooms.
Paix , 225 bd Raspail, Paris 75014
Tel.33 (0). 14320-3582, fax 33(0).14335-3263.
TV and modem in bedrooms.
Hotel Daguerre , 94 rue Daguerre, Paris 75014
Tel.33 (0). 14322-4354,
Single rooms, Double rooms, shower WC
Touring Hotel Magendie , 6 rue Corvisart, Paris 75013
Tel.33 (0). 14336-1361,
Single rooms, Double rooms, shower WC, garage
Hotel Floridor, 28, place Denfert-Rochereau, Paris 75014.
Tel. 33(0)1-4321-3553. Fax 33(0)1-4327-6581.
Single room. Double room. With shower, WC and TV. Breakfast.
Hotel des Voyageurs, 22 rue Boulard (near rue Daguerre), Paris 75014.
(Near place Denfert-Rochereau). Metro station: Denfert-Rochereau
Tel:(33-1) 43 21 08 20
Single room. Double room. Studio. With shower, WC and TV in all rooms.
Hotel de l'Espérance, 1, rue Grancey, Paris 75014. (Near place Denfert-Rochereau).
Tel. 33(0)1-4321-4104.
Single and double rooms with TV, shower and lavatory. Without shower in
the room. Breakfast.
Colegio de España, Cité Universitaire de Paris,
7e Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 PARIS, Metro RER Station: Cité Universitaire.
Tel: 33(0) 1 40 78 32 00, Fax: 33(0) 1 45 80 39 58.
Fundación Argentina in the Cité Universitaire.
19, Boulevard Jourdan, Paris 75014, Metro RER Station Cité Universitaire.
Tel. 33(0)144162900, Fax 33(0)144162905.
Single room with lavatory.
La Contre-allée, 83, Av. Denfert-Rochereau. Tel. 014325-0528. Closed Saturday noon and Sunday.
French cuisine. Recommended dishes: green and white asparagus raw and cooked with orange and Espelette pepper, roasted whole bass with smashed potatoes, lamb sweet bread casserole braised with morel and little green vegetables from the garden, chocolate spring roll with jasmine jelly and apricot ice cream. Menus: 28 and 37 euros.
Swann & Vincent , 22, pl. Denfert-Rochereau. Tel. 014321-2259. Open till 11.45 pm.
Italian restaurant (trattoria), Recommended dishes:
aubergines au gratin, sea bream (daurade) fillet with red peppers and vegetables, veal escalope with lemon, panna cotta and tiramisu, à la carte 30 euros.
La Closerie des Lilas, 171, boulevard Montparnasse. Tel. 014051-3450.
Open everyday till 1 AM.
Formerly a Café littéraire had as customers Baudelaire, Verlaine, Gide, Jarry, Apollinaire, Modigliani, Hemingway, Lenin and probably Trotsky. Keeps a litterary crowd of customers like Philippe Sollers. The present chef Jean-Pierre Cassagne has renovated the house and the excellent meals. Besides the restaurant there is `brasserie' where meals are alsoserved. Menu 43 euros (including wine), à la carte 90 euros.
Les Petites Sorcières, 12, rue Liancourt. Tel. 014321-9568.
Closed on saturdays and sundays and thursdays for lunch. Terrasse.Parisian bistrot. Recommended dishes: Tartare of Saint-Jacques with asparagus, braised filet of cod (cabillaud), roasted rabbit leg, strawberries gratin. Pleasent atmosphere. Menus: 18 euros (lunch) and à la carte 25 euros.
L'Observatoire, 63, Av. Denfert-Rochereau (corner of rue Cassini).
Simple restaurant. It is also a Bar, Café and Brasserie.
`Formules' for 15 euros approximately. Menu 25 euros. Large choice of dishes.
It is the oldest observatory still serving. In 1665 the physicist and astronomer Auzout convinced Colbert and Louis XIV to construct `l'Observatoire Royale'. It is built without wood (to avoid fire) or metal (to avoid magnetic disturbances). At the summer solstice of 1667, the orientation (north-south) is traced in its place by members of the Académie Royale.
Claude Perrault (the architect of the Louvre Colonnade) projected the building and directed its construction. It was finished in 1672. It is a large rectangle (31 m x 29 m) with its four faces oriented with the cardinal points of the compass. The latitude of the south face defines the Paris latitude (48° 50' 11''). The meridian line passing through its center defines the Paris longitude.
The foundations are as deep (27 m) as high is the building itself. The Observatoire is in charge of the French legal time: UTC(OP) and of the Central Bureau of the International Earth Rotation Service. In 1933, the first speaking clock in the world started to give the accurate time by telephone (tel. 3699) from the ground floor of the Observatoire.
The basement of the Observatoire is connected with the Paris catacombs (visits forbidden). The catacombs consist of 65 km of underground galleries. First, at the head of the Observatoire de Paris was Jean-Dominique Cassini (Cassini I), born in Italy in 1625. He was followed by his son Jacques (Cassini II), his grand-son César-François and his grand-grand-son Jean-Dominique.
The Observatoire was later leaded by Joseph Jerôme Lefrançois de Lalande, Pierre-André Méchain, François Arago (1843-1853), Urbain Le Verrier (1854-1870 and 1873-77) and other distinguished personalities.
Further illustrious scientists worked at the Observatoire like Jean-Baptiste Delambre, Charles Marie de La Condamine and Pierre Simon de Laplace.
One can mention as principals scientific works made in the Observatoire: The map of the Moon by Cassini I that was the best till the photography was invented. The discovery of the gap in the Saturne ring by Cassini I and the table of the satellites of Jupiter movements that allowed the danish astronomer Olaüs Römer to show that the speed of light was finite and compute approximately, for the first time in 1676 while he was working at the Observatoire.
Jacques Cassini discovered the proper motion of Arcturus, showing the first that the stars were not fixed.
César-François and Jean-Dominique (IV) Cassini made the first modern map of France from 1750 to 1790.
The units of mass (gramme) and length (meter) were defined following measurements (along the France meridian) and researches made at the Observatoire. Lavoisier worked here on the mass unit. Arago introduced here the photography in astronomy. In 1845 Hyppolite Fizeau and Léon Foucault obtained the first daguerreotype of the sun.
Foucault in 1850-51 showed manifestly the rotation of the earth with his pendulum hanging in the salle Cassini (after a first experiment at his home, and before the demonstration at the Panthéon).
The works by Le Verrier lead to the discovery of Neptune. His tables of sun and planets positions were used for more than one century.
Discrepancies remarked by him between the calculated and observed orbit of Mercury were only solved with the advent of general relativity.
The three main halls in the Observatoire are the `Grande Gallerie' and the `Salle du Conseil' in the ground floor and the Cassini hall in the first floor. In the `Salle du Conseil' are displayed the portraits of Laplace, Le Verrier, Lalande, Arago, Delambre, as well as other distinguished scientists and the one of Louis XIV.
At present the Observatoire de Paris owns three campuses: Paris, the Meudon astrophysics section and the radioastronomy station at Nançay. More than 700 scientists, technicians and administrative staff work there.
Nearby Historic Monuments
The Observatory Fountain (1873) by Davioud is known for its decoration of the four quarters of the globe by Carpeaux (Oceania was omitted for symmetry reasons).
Before the Closerie des Lilas café stands the statue of Marshal Ney by François Rude (1853). Ney was shot nearby in 1815 for his support of Napoleon. Rodin said that this was the nicest statue in Paris.
Inside the Baudelocque Maternity (123, boulevard Port Royal) remain some buildings from the Port Royal abbey. There is the nuns chapel (constructed by Le Pautre, 1646-47), the cloister (1652-55) and the hôtel d'Atry. The benedictian nuns of Saint Bernard were there from 1626 till 1664 when Louis XIV dispersed them due to their jansenist ideas.
Afterwards Visitandins nuns stay there till the French revolution. It become then a prison (Lavoisier was jailed here) and a Maternity since 1818. In the middle of the place Denfert-Rochereau is a small bronze version
of Bartholdi's Lion in commemoration of colonel Denfert-Rochereau successful defence of Belfort against the prussians in 1870-71.
In 1, Place Denfert-Rochereau there is the entrance of the Paris Catacombs. Several million skeletons are stored inside. The headquarters of the Résistance - F.F.I. (Interior French Forces) of the Ile-de-France commanded by colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy were here, inside the catacombs during the liberation of Paris in August 1944.
The elegant and vast hôtel Massa, (38, rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques) was built in 1784 on the Champs-Elysées at the present location of the Virgin Megastore. The duke of Richelieu, the count Marescalchi and the duke of Massa lived there. In 1928 was moved here. It belongs to the Men of Letters Society. Honoré de Balzac lived from 1829 to 1834 at the house in 6, rue Cassini. He wrote there `Eugénie Grandet', `Le Père Goriot' and may be `La Peau de Chagrin'.
You can visit in Paris
its classical landmarks Museums as the Louvre, Orsay, Picasso, Rodin,
the recently open Museum of “Arts Premiers” and
many others.
In addition, some outstanding temporary
expositions are held at the dates of the meeting. It is convenient to
make reservations to visit in advance.
Musée d'Orsay Temporary exhibition galleries Buses: 24, 63,
68, 69, 73, 83, 84, and 94 Metro: line 12, Solferino station RER:
line C, Musee d'Orsay station
National d'Art Moderne
Musée du Luxembourg: 19 rue de Vaugirard - 75006 Paris Metro :
Saint-Sulpice, Odeon / RER B : Luxembourg Station Autobus : 84, 58,
89 - Musée du Luxembourg,
de Chaillot, 17, place du Trocadero, Metro : Trocadero, Bus : 22, 30,
32, 63, 72, 82, Batobus : Tour Eiffel
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, site F.-Mitterrand Paris
13ème. Metro Quai de la Gare, line 6 and RER C, Bibliothèque
François-Mitterrand. Bus 89, 62 and 132.
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Exposition Pierre Curie: Du 15 juin au 31 octobre 2006
Panthéon, Place du Panthéon, 75005 Paris