Ecole Internationale Daniel Chalonge

Colloquium at the Colegio de España

Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, 75014 Paris


Colegio de España, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris,

7E Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris

Thursday 4 and Friday 5 June 2009

Programme and Time Table (.pdf)

Programme and Lecturers

Practical informations

List of Registered Participants (.pdf)

Click to download the poster (.pdf)

The Meeting is within the astrofundamental physics spirit of the  Daniel Chalonge School, with the aim to put together real cosmological data and hard theory approach connected to them.

There will be talks on theoretical and observational progress in the physics of the early universe, CMB  observations, large scale structure, dark energy, neutrinos in cosmology, as well as high energy astrophysics in the context of the Standard Model of the Universe.

The Meeting is open to all scientists interested in the subject. Registration, local and practical information can be found below.


Marina Ramon Medrano, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Departamento de Fisica Téorica I, Madrid, Spain.

Norma G. Sanchez, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS LERMA, Paris, France.

Héctor J. de Vega, Université Paris VI, LPTHE CNRS, Paris, France.

Programme and Lecturers

Fernando ARQUEROS (Dpto. Fisica Atomica, Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Spain)

The Pierre AUGER Observatory. Last Results

Didier BARRET (Centre d'Etudes Spatiales CESR & CNRS, Toulouse, France)

Probing Strong Gravity and Dense Matter with X-rays

Francisco J. CAO (Univ Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain)

Quantum slow-roll and quantum fast-roll inflation: CMB quadrupole suppression and the low CMB multipoles

Marco CIRELLI (SPhT - CEA/Saclay & CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)

Model-independent implications of e+, e- , anti-protons on the properties of Dark Matter and the PAMELA data

Claudio DESTRI (INFN & Univ. Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy)

Monte Carlo Markov Chain Analysis of CMB+LSS data with the Effective Field Theory of Inflation and the early fast-roll stage

Héctor J. de VEGA,  Univ.  Paris VI, LPTHE & CNRS, Paris, France

The Effective Theory of Inflation and the Dark Energy in the Standard Model of the Universe

Maria Cristina FALVELLA (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Rome, Italy)

Measurements of the CMB by the PLANCK satellite and their implications

Philippe GORODETZKY (APC Univ Paris 7, Paris, France)

The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on board ISS (JEM-EUSO) : current status and Perspectives

Félix MIRABEL (ESO European Southern Observatory, Chile & CEA/Saclay, France)

Black Holes in the Universe

Etienne PARIZOT (APC Univ Paris 7, Paris, France)

Highest Energy Cosmic Rays: Current Status and Perspectives

Sergio PASTOR (CSIC Univ Valencia, Valencia, Spain)

Neutrinos in the Early Universe

Norma G. SANCHEZ (Observatoire de Paris LERMA & CNRS, Paris, France)

Understanding of Inflation, Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Standard Model of the Universe

Dmitri SEMIKOZ (APC Univ Paris 7 & CNRS, Paris, France)

The Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

George F. SMOOT (Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Univ California, Berkeley, USA)

CMB Observations and the Standard Model of the Universe



The Meeting is open to all scientists interested in the subject.

There are no registration fees.

Participants wishing to attend the Meeting should register in time, and in any case Before 1st May 2009 ,by online registration



The Meeting  "Physics of the Standard Model of the Universe: Theory and Observations " will take place on Thursday 4 and Friday 5 June 2009 in the  comfortable Colegio de España inside the beautiful campus of the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris,

Entry : 7E boulevard Jourdan • 75014 Paris.

The meeting will take place at

the Conference Room of Colegio de España.

All talks will be plenary, followed by a  discussion. Enough time will be provided to discussions. 

We shall stick strictly to the timetible during the whole meeting.

The Lectures start on Thursday 4 June at 9:00 AM

and end on Friday 5 June at 19:00

All sessions take place at the "Salle de Conferences" (Conference Room), ground floor, at the principal entry of Colegio de España (where the Reception, Library and Seminar room are located).

All COFFEE-TEA BREAKS take place in the Restaurant terrace of Colegio de España located at the lower ground floor.

LUNCH is served at the Self-service Restaurant of Colegio de España located at the lower ground floor.

The Self-Service Restaurant of Colegio de España is open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner (except saturday night for dinner).

How to reach the Colegio de España

RER B (fast suburban train): Station Cité Universitaire.

Bus 21/67/88 , stop at Cité Universitaire.

Tramway: stop Cité Universitaire

Coordinates : Colegio de España, Cité Universitaire de Paris,

7E Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 PARIS, Metro RER B Station: Cité Universitaire.

Tel: 33(0) 1 40 78 32 96, Fax: 33(0) 1 45 80 39 58.

Information on Colegio de España can be found at

Room reservation for the Lecturers and their accompanyings will be provided by the Meeting organizers.

Participants should make their own room/ hotel reservation. For room information at the Cité Universitaire:


Hotel Montsouris

4, rue parc Montsouris, 75014 Paris. Tel : 33-1- 45 89 09 72. Fax :33-1-45 80 92 72

Hotel du Midi, 4, Av. René Coty, Paris 75014. Metro : Denfert-Rochereau

tel. 33(0).14327-2325. fax 33(0).14321-2458.

Double room, with shower, WC and TV. Double room with bathtube, WC and TV.

air conditioning, modem in bedrooms.



Hotel Beauvoir, 43, Av. George Bernanos, Paris 75005,

tel. 33(0).14325-5710, fax-33(0).14354-3187.

Single room. Double room. Twin double rooms. With shower, WC and TV (in

double rooms).



Hotel Pierre Nicole, 39, rue Pierre-Nicole, Paris 75005,

Tel.33 (0).1 4354-7686, fax 33(0).14354-2245.

Single room. Double room. With shower, WC and TV in all rooms.



Hotel L'Aiglon, 232 bd Raspail, Paris 75014,

Tel.33 (0).1 14320-8242, fax 33(0).14320-9872.

air conditioning, TV and modem in bedrooms.



Hotel Nouvel Orléans, 25 av. Gén. Leclerc, Paris 75014

Tel.33 (0). 14327-8020, fax 33(0).14335-3657.

air conditioning, TV and modem in bedrooms. Non-smoking bedrooms.



Mercure Raspail Montparnasse, 207 bd Raspail, Paris 75014

Tel.33 (0). 14320-6294, fax 33(0).14327-3969.

air conditioning, TV and modem in bedrooms. Non-smoking bedrooms.



Hotel Istria, 29 rue Campagne Première, Paris 75014

Tel.33 (0). 14320-9182, fax 33(0).14322-4845.

TV and modem in bedrooms.



Hotel Paix , 225 bd Raspail, Paris 75014

Tel.33 (0). 14320-3582, fax 33(0).14335-3263.

TV and modem in bedrooms.



Hotel Daguerre , 94 rue Daguerre, Paris 75014

Tel.33 (0). 14322-4354,

Single rooms, Double rooms, shower WC



Touring Hotel Magendie , 6 rue Corvisart, Paris 75013

Tel.33 (0). 14336-1361,

Single rooms, Double rooms, shower WC, garage




-Hotel Floridor, 28, place Denfert-Rochereau, Paris 75014.

Tel. 33(0)1-4321-3553. Fax 33(0)1-4327-6581.

Single room. Double room. With shower, WC and TV. Breakfast.

-Hotel des Voyageurs, 22 rue Boulard (near rue Daguerre), Paris 75014.

(Near place Denfert-Rochereau). Metro station: Denfert-Rochereau

Tel: (33-1) 43 21 08 20

Single room. Double room. Studio. With shower, WC and TV in all rooms.


-Hotel de l'Espérance, 1, rue Grancey, Paris 75014. (Near place Denfert-Rochereau).

Tel. 33(0)1-4321-4104.

Single and double rooms with TV, shower and lavatory. Without shower in the room. Breakfast.


Colegio de España, Cité Universitaire de Paris,

7e Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 PARIS, Metro RER Station: Cité Universitaire.

Tel: 33(0) 1 40 78 32 00, Fax: 33(0) 1 45 80 39 58.


Fundación Argentina in the Cité Universitaire.

19, Boulevard Jourdan, Paris 75014, Metro RER Station Cité Universitaire.

Tel. 33(0)144162900, Fax 33(0)144162905.

Single room with lavatory.


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