EDITOR: N. Sánchez

1 - "Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics", 1st Course, Erice Lectures 1991, The Science and Culture Series, World Sc. Pub. Co., Singapore (1992).

2 - "Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics", 2nd Course, Erice Lectures 1992, The Science and Culture Series, World Sc. Pub. Co., Singapore (1993).

3 - "String Gravity and Physics at the Planck Scale", Erice Lectures 1992 The Science and Culture Series, World Sc. Pub. Co., Singapore (1993).

4 - "Advances in Astrofundamental Physics", Erice Lectures 1994, The Science and Culture Series, World Sc. Pub. Co., Singapore (1995).

5 - "Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics: The Early Universe", 3rd Course, ASI Series volume C 467, Kluwer Acad. Pub.(1995).

6 - "String Gravity and Physics at the Planck Scale", 4th Course, Erice Lectures 1995, ASI Series volume C476, Kluwer Acad. Pub. (1996).

7 - "Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics", 5th Course, Erice Lectures 1996, The Science and Culture Series, World Sc. Pub. Co., Singapore (1997).

8 - "Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics: Primordial Cosmology", 6th Course, Erice Lectures 1997, ASI Series volume C, Kluwer Acad. Pub. (1998).

9 - "Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics", 7th Course, Erice Lectures 1999, ASI Series volume C, Kluwer Acad. Pub. (2000).

10 - "Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics: The Cosmic Microwave Background". Proceedings of the 7th Chalonge School. Editor N. G. Sanchez, Kluwer Pub. NATO Science Series vol 562 (2001)

11 - "Phase Transitions in the Early Universe: Theory and Observations", Proceedings of the 8th Chalonge School, NATO ASI: Editors N.G. Sanchez. , H. J. de Vega, I. M. Khalatnikov, Kluwer Pub, NATO Science Series vol 40 (2001)

12 - "The Early universe and the Cosmic Microwave Background: Theory and Observations". Proceedings of the 9th Chalonge School. Editors N. G. Sanchez.and Yu. N. Parijskij , Kluwer Pub. NATO Science Series vol 130 (2003)


EDITORS: N. Sánchez & H. J. de Vega

13 - "2nd Paris Cosmology Colloquium", Observatoire de Paris, June 1994. World Scientific Publ. Co.Singapore, (1995).

14 - "3rd Paris Cosmology Colloquium", Observatoire de Paris, June 1995. World Scientific Publ. Co.Singapore, (1996).

15 - "4th Paris Cosmology Colloquium", Observatoire de Paris, June 1997. World Scientific Publ. Co.Singapore, (1998).

16 - "5th Paris Cosmology Colloquium", Observatoire de Paris, June 1998. Published by the Observatoire de Paris, (1999).

17 - "6th Paris Cosmology Colloquium", Observatoire de Paris, June 1999. Published by the Observatoire de Paris, (1999).


18 - "String Theory in Curved Space-times" An European Research Network and Proceedings, Norma G. Sanchez Coordinator Editor Norma G. Sanchez, World Scientific Pub. Singapore (1998)

19 - "Fundamental Problems in Classical , Quantum and String Gravity", an INTAS Research Network Report and Proceedings, Norma G. Sanchez and Gabriele Veneziano Coordinators Editor Norma G Sanchez, Published by the Observatoire de Paris (2000).

20 - " The Book of pictures of the 9th Chalonge Course on Astrofundamental Physics",Palazzo dei Normanni , Palermo Sicily 7-18 September 2002. NATO ASI. Photographs by Letterio Pomara . (2003).

International School of Astrophysics 'D.Chalonge'
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